My Wedding Photography Workflow for Photographing the Groom
The morning on a wedding day can often feel chaotic. You’re trying to photograph the bride – or the groom – and you’ve got to make sure you don’t miss anything. While the bridal prep suite is often a bit calmer and tends to have more details, I find that most photographers struggle with the groom’s prep. There’s often fewer details to capture. It might be louder or more exciting. And then comes the actual groom prep. How do you photograph it? I know that photographing the prep on a wedding day can feel overwhelming. So, I’m sharing my workflow for photographing groom details, groom getting ready, groomsmen candids, and everything in between. This week’s video is my exact workflow for photographing the groom so you know exactly what to capture when.
Photographing the groom and his details is just as important as the bride, so it’s important to feel confident with these details and special moments of him and his guys and family.
Learn my workflow for capturing a groom on his wedding morning!
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